Abril de 2005

Seventh Expedition UPDATE:

Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise

From Rodney M. Cluff,
        author of World Top Secret:  Our Earth is Hollow!, 
        and co-organizer with
        Steve C. Currey of The Expedition Company of Provo, Utah
        of the upcoming Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ..

To All Interested Scientists, Explorers and Tourists of our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise,

***** Seventh Expedition UPDATE *****
RE:  Our upcoming Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise, scheduled for June 26 - July 19, 2006.

This is it! 

Next year each member of the Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise will be flying to Moscow, Russia from their home town on the first leg of our journey to check out the Hollow Earth theory.  We will be staying at the Hotel Rossiya (Russia) located by St. Basil's Cathedral. We will spend the rest of the day sightseeing Moscow.  The next morning we will finish up our sightseeing of Moscow and then take an afternoon flight to Murmansk, Russia where we will board the Russian Icebreaker YAMAL.  The Yamal nuclear icebreaker is a modern ship with room for 108 voyagers.  It has 70,000 horsepower and cuts through the arctic ice like butter.  We currently have 32 voyagers that have booked this expedition cruise, and so we still have room for 76 more.  Steve Currey, our expedition organizer is accepting bookings for this Voyage to Our Hollow Earth up until December 2005, or until the ship is full, so if any of you are interested in joining us on this expedition, which we feel is the greatest expedition of all time by we, the people, you are encouraged to contact Steve and get your registration and deposit in.  You can email Steve at BBRHI@aol.com or call him toll free at 1-800-937-7238 and let him know you want to book this expedition cruise

From Murmansk, Russia, that Arctic port city where my brother-in-law says he used to watch very closely via US spy satellites to see all the coming and goings of the Russian northern military fleet, we will head north toward the geographic north pole.  Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the fleet of nuclear icebreakers, although owned by the Russian government, have been leased and operated by the private Murmansk company to take tourists on polar expeditions.  We have charterd the Yamal to take us to Inner Earth through the North Polar Opening.

After leaving Murmansk, we will be traveling north through open ocean for about a thousand miles.  We will come into ice near the Franz Josef Land islands, which belongs to Russia.  It was from Franz Josef Land that the Norwegian fishermen Olaf and Jens Jansen sailed northeast through a lead in the ice in 1829 and accidentally discovered the North Polar Opening, as described in his book, The Smoky God, published in 1908 by his friend Willis George Emerson, a US western entrepreneur, realtor and author, shortly after Olaf died as his dying wish.

Through the open ocean our ship travels at a speed of about 19.5 knots, which is 22.4 miles an hour, so we should arrive at the Franz Josef Land islands in about two days from Murmansk.  As we begin our journey through the arctic ice from the Franz Josef Land islands to the pole, the going will be slower, about 12 knots, which is about 13.8 miles an hour.  Our ship, the Yamal, carries a helicopter on its rear helicopter pad that is used at times to scout out over the ice to find leads of open water to go through to make the going easier and faster.  Voyagers may take turns going out on these scouting excursions on the helicopter.  From the Franz Josef Land islands to the pole is about 400 miles, so we should arrive at the geographic north pole in about 1 1/2 days, where the plank will be lowered to the ice and any that want can go down on the ice and dance around a pole we will drive into the ice to represent the north pole end of the earth.

After the north pole dance and celebration, we will take up the plank and set our bearings south on the 141st meridian, which is the meridian that goes over the New Siberian Islands north of Siberia, Russia, where many thousands of mammoth tusks and skeletons have been found down through the ages.  Some dead mammoths have even been found frozen in the arctic ice that have washed up on these shores, and have been cut up for meat.  Other wild exotic animal life that has also washed up on these shores are the woolly rhino, steppe lions, giant deer, foxes and a hardy breed of horse which scientists claim are all prehistoric, but which Hollow Earth theorists claim more than likely came from the north through the polar opening from inside the earth where these animals live today.  In winter they often wander out onto the ice frozen-over river mouths of inner earth. Some fall into crevasses in the ice, then come summer they are washed out to sea eventually floating out of the polar opening in their tombs of ice, later unloading them onto arctic shores.  Curiously, the greatest number of woolly mammoth remains have been found directly south of the location we estimate the polar opening to be located -- washed up on the New Siberian Islands and on down into northern Siberia.  Many of them may have been washed out of Inner Earth by Noah's flood, 3,300 years before Christ.

My estimate is that we will enter the North Polar Opening going south on the 141st meridian from the geographic north pole.  The first 570 miles will be through ice before we reach the open ocean within the polar opening.  In another 630 miles, we will reach the inner continent which I estimate is located about half-way through the polar opening.  Mirages of this continent have been sighted all around the arctic for centuries.  Admiral Peary sighted it northwest of Ellesmere Island on the northern shores of Canada in 1909 on his way to the pole.  He believed it was real land he was seeing and even named it Crockerland.  Dr. Cook in 1906 saw it also northwest of his trek to the pole from Ellesmere Island and even took a picture of it as a background to his dogs and sledges.  He named it Bradleyland.  Captain Keenan sighted this land northwest of Harrison Bay, Alaska.  The Russians have seen it north of the New Siberian Islands and named it Sannikov land.  All these sightings of land in the arctic sea all point in one direction -- to 141 E Longitude and 84.4 N Latitude, the coordinates where I have triangulated the location of the North Polar Opening based on the direction that sightings of mirages of land have been seen from all around the Arctic Ocean.

It must be realized that in the Arctic, a mirage is the exact opposite of a mirage down in the lower latitudes.  In the lower latitudes, if you are looking down a highway on a hot day and a hot layer of air is rising from the pavement, it looks like water, because it is reflecting the sky.  In the far northern arctic, warm air rising up out of the polar opening rises high up above one's head and so if you look up and see land, you are actually seeing land, because the warm layer of air above you reflects the ground below.  It is called temperature inversion, because in the lower latitudes, it usually gets colder the higher up you go.  In the arctic and antarctic, it is the opposite.  There it is coldest down next to the ice, and gets warmer with altitude -- because the warm air rising up out of the openings rises up above the ice.  This layer of warm air causes what is called the "water sky" -- in which the surface of the ocean at times can be seen in the sky showing leads in the ice, which explorers would use to help guide their way around the leads. 

coastal trail route northLt. Green, the physicist explorer with Admiral Peary believed that land actually exists out in the polar sea, which is not marked on any map today.  In his 1923 article in Popular Science Monthly magazine, Lt. Green concluded that the Lost Viking colonies of Greenland had migrated to that unknown land.  He asked the Greenland Eskimos what had happened to the colonists who had lived in Greenland for almost a thousand years from the time Eric the Red discovered Greenland west of his home in Iceland in 985 A.D.  The Eskimos said that one year a hunting party came back from the north and told the colonists they had found a paradise out over the Arctic wastes -- a place the Eskimo had always known about but didn't go there for fear of "evil" spirits they believed protected the place.  It lies", they say, even to this day, "in the direction of the coastal trail-route north" in a direction northwest of the northwestern tip of Greenland in the same direction Admiral Peary had sighted a mirage of his Crockerland from Ellesmere Island, Northern Canada.  Lt. Green thought it was an island out in an unexplored part of the Arctic sea.  His map in his article shows this island located near where I have estimated the North Polar Opening is located.  In his article, Lt. Green indicated that he had convinced the Navy to outfit a dirigible to go check out his theory.  In 1928, Amundsen and Ellsworth flew a dirigible from Spitzbergen across the pole to Alaska and did not see it, but saw a lot of anomalous fog and noticed an increase of temperature close to the pole.  Years later, a Disney movie was made based on Lt. Green's theory that there exists a hidden island in the Arctic Ocean northwest of Ellesmere Island where the Viking Colonists disappeared to.  The movie is called Island at the Top of the World.  I am certain this land exists, but is actually the inner continent within the polar opening, mirages of which have been seen all around the Arctic basin by Arctic explorers.

Another question that is constantly asked of me, is there any danger of our ship as it travels on the ocean through the polar opening, of falling into the hollow earth.  The answer is no -- because, as any student of physics knows, matter is what causes the phenomenon we know as gravity.  Gravity accelerates to where the mass of the earth is located, and 99.9% of the mass of our hollow earth is located in its 800 mile thick shell.  As we go through the 90 mile in diameter neck of the polar opening, our ship will be floating on the arctic ocean that gravity has grounded to the sides of the opening -- because gravity accelerates towards the location of the greatest mass -- which will always be directly beneath our feet even on the sides of the polar opening.  As we pass through the polar opening, we will be able to look up and see the Sun shining off the opposite side of the opening where the ocean is grounded to that side of the opening.  The reflection of the Sun off the surface of the ocean directly above our heads 90 miles up will look like a brightly shining star -- just like Olaf saw this reflection and thought it was a star as he was sailing through the north polar opening in 1829.  We will notice that the temperature begins to increase as we pass through the polar opening.  We may keep our eyes out for floating subtropical trees in the ocean or driftwood that originates from that land beyond the pole.

A lot of people email me and express their concern that we may be impeded in our journey through the polar opening into inner earth by military forces from outer earth wanting to keep the discovery that our earth is hollow from the masses.  This is a possibility, but I think unlikely.  Certainly, we will pray that the good Lord will protect and guide us and help us find the polar opening to pass safely through to inner earth on this friendly visit we are attempting to take.  Discovery that our earth is hollow is presently considered World Top Secret by those that control the governments of the world.  Admiral Byrd was ordered to keep a strict silence about his greatest discovery in all of history -- that our earth is hollow with polar openings.  But he couldn't.  He kept telling people, and eventually lost his life because of this.  However, there are people who have been to our hollow earth and returned, so obviously the Inner Earth peoples are not strictly against people of outer earth knowing about them, or they would not have let them return.  What possible harm could knowledge of the friendly people of inner earth be to people of outer earth?  None.  But our governments are very much afraid of them.  They are 2,000 years more advanced than we are in technology.  The Inner Earth government regularly sends its flying saucers out to reconnoiter the militaries of outer earth.  Their flying saucers piloted by their androids are consistently seen at our atomic weapons bases, military bases, and every time a satellite is lifted off the launching pad into space.  They have warned our outer earth governments through Admiral Byrd against our use of nuclear weapons because they share this earth with us and don't want it destroyed. 

When Steve was approached by an agent of the Illuminati in Argentina at a Voyage to Our Hollow Earth conference held there last year, he was even offered to have this expedition paid for by them.  So they must not be too opposed to our going there.  Certainly not enough to send the military to impede us from entering Inner Earth.  The secrecy they maintain of the discovery that our earth is hollow is maintained primarily through their control of the governments, media, business and education -- through silence and false inner earth theories such as the molten core.  Their scientists ignore the fact that the earth rings like a bell for several hours after a large earthquake.  The earth was reported to be ringing after a couple of weeks after the earthquake in the south Pacific that caused the recent Tsunami.  A bell is hollow and made of metal, just as our earth most likely is.  Actually, they are hoping that their scientists will be able to back engineer the flying saucers the military has knocked out of the sky, which Dr. Greer's ex-military expert witnesses have testified that they have knocked at least a dozen out of the sky, and have actually been able to build a version of these flying saucers in underground black projects.  They hope they will be able to build enough of these craft so that some day in the future they will be able to stand up to the power of Inner Earth.  My take on this is that indications from scriptural prophecy are that they will be unsuccessful in their power quest over Inner Earth.

Which brings me to the next big concern of many who email me -- regarding the RISK of attempting to venture into inner earth through the polar opening.  I concede there is a risk.  There is a risk in anything we do.  Any day, any one of us can venture out of our homes onto the streets and be killed in a car accident.  But I think the opportunity we have here of making it to Inner Earth to discover what has been hidden from us by our servants in the government far outweighs any risk we may encounter.  Certainly, the comfort and amenities of our cruise ship will indeed make our excursion most pleasurable with climate controlled cabins all with a port hole window to see out onto the arctic sea -- with a highly experienced crew that will feed us all like kings.  With the cruising range of the Yamal of over 4 years worth of nuclear fuel, there is no chance we will get lost.  The greatest RISK I see are all those that are staying BEHIND here on outer earth.  Many voyagers will be ecstatic to visit the peace loving people of inner earth where no wars, no sickness and disease have plagued them for millennia.  Many voyagers have indicated that they even want to stay when we get there.

When I say there is a greater RISK of those staying behind, consider this.  A couple of years ago, the auditing offices of both the executive and legislative bodies of the US federal government reported that we will be unable to sustain the national debt past the year 2009.  Which means the US federal government is going to go bankrupt.  Not only will this destroy the US economy, but the oil companies owned by the Illuminati can then cut off our oil and bring all transportation to a halt.  This is actually prophecied in scripture.  

Micah 5:9-15, also 3 Nephi 21:

10 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will destroy thy chariots:

11 And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strong holds:

12 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand; and thou shalt have no more soothsayers:

13 Thy graven images also will I cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee; and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands.

14 And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee: so will I destroy thy cities.

15 And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.

With all trucking stopped, food into the cities will also stop, the people will begin to starve.  Since governments at all levels run on money, with no money, governments will cease to function -- and anarchy and chaos will ensue. 

Then there is an even greater danger.  Since the 1700's when Amchel Rothchild set up the first central bank in Germany, and then sent his sons out to set up central banks in all other countries, and eventually even the US Federal Reserve Bank, which, contrary to what you might suppose, is not an agency of the federal government, but is actually a privately owned bank -- owned by the Super Rich International Bankers of the Illuminati, Amchel figured out how to get a government to pay up should it default on its loans to his bank.  His solution was use the interest money made to build up an enemy country or countries which he could then use to repossess the defaulting country.  This is exactly what happened to Germany in the Second World War.  The allies were the pawns in the hands of the Illuminati International Bankers in repossessing Hitler's Germany because shortly after he was elected Chancelor of Germany before the war he had nationalized their central bank when he learned they were refusing to lend money to his farmers! 

Now the US has just repossessed another country for the bankers -- Iraq.  But what most people don't realize here in the US, is we're next!  When the US federal government goes bankrupt, we will be invaded by all the countries of the world that the Illuminati can throw against us -- to repossess us of what our faithful servants in Congress have so blindly done in mortgaging our whole country to the Fed.  Think about it.  What happens when you don't make the mortgage payment on your house?  Of course, your house gets repossessed by the bank!  The same happens for countries, and hence we find the cause of all the wars that have plagued us over the centuries.  The bankers have a wonderful time making money off boths sides of a war, while we, the people, pay for this in blood, sweat and tears.  When Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, and then passed the Income Tax to pay the interest on money borrowed by our government, they set up a gigantic PONZI scheme.  And how does it work?  No money is put into circulation until someone borrows from the Fed. Federal Reserve dollars are Notes -- a debt instrument.  But no money is ever put into circulation to pay the interest on that debt.  So as debt is paid off, that money goes out of circulation.  And since no money is created to pay the interest, a certain number of individuals and businesses every year must go bankrupt to pay the interest.  So then the bankers get hard goods for worthless paper.  Thus the Illuminati owners of the Federal Reserve have been slowing coming into ownership of most of America -- through their ponzi banking scheme that causes bankruptcies.  The federal government at the end of the Great Depression discovered that they had become the customer of last resort in this ponzi scheme, in order to keep the economy going -- by continually borrowing more and more money to keep money in circulation so the economy won't go into a slump.  So now our national debt is going straight up like a rocket with $7 trillion and counting -- and our own government accounting offices estimate the economy will be unable to pay the interest on this mushrooming debt by the year 2009.  It could happen sooner because of the great expense of President Bush's war on terror, his Medicare for drugs boondoggle, and continuous pork spending by a Congress that sees no tomorrow. 

Our first President, George Washington, saw in a vision given to him by an angel at Valley Forge, that at the end of the age, our country would be attacked by all the countries of the world.  He saw that the good Lord would send help towards the end of the war when our countrymen were almost to give up the fight for our freedom -- but not without great loss.  This also has been predicted in scripture, see Joel 2, Isaiah 3:12-26 and Ezequiel 39:6.  See my paper on The Coming Attack on the United States on my website.

My question is:  Do you want to be here at that time? Or do you yearn for what many of our voyagers want -- to go to Inner Earth where peace has always ruled -- in the inner earth Kingdom of God.  Olaf Jansen reported that their God is Jehovah -- the God of the ancient Israelites.  So we believe they are the Lost Tribes of Israel.  Many of us are descendants of the Vikings who settled Europe in the middle ages and who trace their ancestry back through mounds where they would bury their dead everywhere they migrated back to the Ten Tribes of Israel who after escaping the Assyrians in 687 B.C., escaped up over the Caucasus Mountains -- hence many of us are Caucasians -- actually descendants of the Tribes of Israel.  But the Biblical Apocrypha states that a large group of the Ten Tribes went further north.  A few years ago, archeologists found a burial of Caucasians in northern Mongolia.  Perhaps that is the route they took.  North of Mongolia are the New Siberian Islands, and north of the New Siberian Islands have been the sightings of the mirage of Sannikov land -- that land within the polar opening that Arctic explorers have seen mirages of from all around the Arctic Ocean.  There must be a port city on that inner continent bordering on the open polar sea -- because at times when the arctic air is right a mirage of a city has been seen in Alaska towards the north of curious architecture.  Could it be the port city of Jehu that Olaf Jansen and his father were taken to after being picked up on the River Hiddekel soon after reaching the inner continent? 

We hope to find out.  On our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth, as we arrive at the inner continent, we will attempt to locate the River Hiddekel, which Olaf and his father sailed up after reaching the inner continent.  Perhaps we will be met there by a ship from inner earth, just as Olaf and his father were, when they were taken to their port city called Jehu.  Olaf and his father were taken in by a family of Inner Earth and taught their language, which he reported is similar to Sanskrit.  But inner earth peoples have since also learned to speak English.  Reinhold Schmidt of Los Angeles was taken to Inner Earth by a flying saucer through the north polar opening in 1958.  Being of German descent, Reinhold said that the ufonauts looked like humans but larger in stature, spoke to him in perfect English, but between themselves spoke a language his father had taught him called High German. 

After spending a year at Jehu, Olaf and his father were taken overland to their capital city of Eden on a monorail train he said were powered by anti-gravity flywheels above each car.  At Jehu, our expedition hopes to also take this monorail trip to the capital city of Inner Earth, located around that primeval lost Garden of Eden where our first fathers, Adam and Eve dwelt, there to visit the palace of the King of the Inner World, called by Olaf Jansen, the Great High Priest over all the Land.  My research indicates that he is a Jew, a descendant of King David, whom the Lord promised that there never would be a time when a son of his would not reign over the House of Israel on the throne of the Kingdom of God ( Psalms 89:3, 4, 28-37) .  The scriptures indicate that this King in the last days would be called David, after his ancestor, and that he will deliver his throne to Jesus Christ at this Second Coming ( JEREMIAH 23:5-8,  EZEKIEL 34:22-24).  Rev. Chapter 9 indicates that flying saucers from this Kingdom will emerge from Inner earth like locusts toward the end of the coming attack on the United States.  I believe they will be the help the Lord will send to save our country from total destruction in the coming war of repossession.

Do you want to come with us on our Voyage to Inner Earth?  We are certain we will find the North Polar Opening.  Many of us would just rather stay there once we arrive -- just like in the movie Lost Horizon.  The second version of this movie was done in full color, in which Richard Conway and fellow travelers were kidnapped in a DC-3 and flown into the Himalaya mountains where they were taken in by the people of Shangri-la.  It is based on the 1937 novel by James Hilton, the movie which can be obtained through www.moviehunter.tv.  It is actually based on the Tibetan legend of Agharta, which is their name for hollow earth.  In the movie, the cavern leading to Shangri-la is only about 500 feet long from the blowing blizzard outside to the warm sun-shinning valley inside of Shangri-la.  Steve Currey, our expedition organizer discovered the place where this cavern actually exists behind a hidden falls in the Tsangpo Gorge in Tibet, as graphically portrayed in a National Geographic video commentary, a copy of which Steve has.  The cavern actually leads to Our Hollow Earth and is much longer than the movie depicted.  It leads all the way through the 800 mile thick shell of our hollow earth to Inner Earth, but as reported by one adventurer is sealed off by a great metal door several miles beneath the surface. The Tibetan lamas yearly take pack animal escursions down to the door and knock on it hoping the King of Agharta will emerge with his people to help establish world peace as he promised in 1890 when he emerged from that cavern to speak to their ancestors.  His prophecy to them indicates this will happen in 2011.

If you are interesting in joining our expedition, paid for, and sponsored by ONLY we, the people of outer earth on a friendly visit to Our Hollow Earth on the Russian nuclear icebreaker, the Yamal, you are encouraged to contact Steve Currey at your earliest convenience to book your passage and reserve your cabin.


You can find a full color expedition brochure in Adobe PDF format online at

Join us today on our Voyage to Our Hollow Earth!

Next Year In Eden!

Rodney M. Cluff, author
World Top Secret:  Our Earth Is Hollow!

Steve C. Currey, President
Steve Currey's Expedition Company

To reserve your place on the Voyage to Our Hollow Earth expedition cruise, call Steve Currey toll free at 1-800-937-7238, or fill out and mail in the reservation form on his website at:
If you have any questions on this expedition, don't hesitate to call Steve or write him at BBRHI@aol.com.
All expedition members do realize that in joining this expedition, there is no guarantee we will reach Inner Earth.  A good faith effort will be made to locate the north polar opening and enter therein, but as in any arctic expedition, we will be at the mercy of the ice, weather and sea conditions.
To have your email address removed from our list, please reply with REMOVE in the Subject block of any communication

Actualizaciones Anteriores en Ingles:   

23 de Diciembre de 2004

**** Sixth Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****


1 de Julio de 2004

**** Fifth Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****


30 de Abril de 2004

**** Fourth Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****


25 de Marzo de 2004

**** Third Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****


05 de Enero de 2004

**** Second Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****


24 de Noviembre de 2003

**** First Expedition UPDATE: Voyage to Our Hollow Earth Expedition Cruise ****

Respetado/a Amigo/a:

Mi nombre es Marcelo G. Martorelli. Soy Profesor y Director General de Fundación PEA (PAZ, ECOLOGIA & ARTE)  la cual es una ONG que llevamos adelante desde hace casi 7 años con mi esposa y un bellísimo grupo de amigos trabajando en Educación con niños, adolescentes y público en Gral dedicada a la Educación para la Paz, la Ecología y el Arte.

Nuestro trabajo Institucional en...  www.fundacionpea.org 

Es tan conmocionante los acontecimientos que estan sucediendo en un Orden Planetario, Social e Individual que como bien comprenderás, pocos podrán entender verdaderamente la enorme proyección y magnitud de este proceso que intentaré compartir lo mas claramente posible al dejar expuesta a toda la humanidad a un nuevo "Paradigma Geográfico y Social", que este fantástico desafío puede disparar.

Dados los acontecimientos que vienen sucediendo y la excesiva "SINCRONICIDAD", sé positivamente que pocos podrán comprender completamente este proceso, pero de todas formas, debo intentarlo. Sé tambien que muy pocos comprendieron en su tiempo a Giordano Bruno, Copérnico, Colón, etc.,por ello considero muy importante colaborar Informando a la Humanidad ya que es a ella a quien pertenece nuestro posible descubrimiento.

¿Que pensarías si te dijera, que dentro de la Tierra, existe un Continente totalmente desconocido e inexplorado por el Hombre?

¿Que pensarías si te dijera que dentro de nuestro Planeta existe una Civilización Antiquísima, muchísimo mas avanzada que la nuestra que habita en este Continente Interno de la Tierra?

Desde tiempos inmemoriales la Humanidad ha enfrentado Grandes Misterios. El Hombre se ha visto expuesto a todo tipo de desafíos, ha posado sus ojos en las Estrellas, ha salido de su Planeta y ha puesto sus pies en la Luna.

Intentará sin duda en un futuro no muy lejano alcanzar otros Planetas y tocar las Estrellas.

La Humanidad siempre se ha visto conmocionada por el Misterio del Espacio, y por el desafío que éste representa para el Hombre.

Sin embargo muy cerca de él, bajo sus pies, un Antiquísimo Legado descansa pacientemente, un Milenario Misterio, profundo y revelador, tan desafiante como alcanzar las estrellas, tan abrumador como posar sus pies en la luna.

Este Desconocido Continente dentro de la Tierra, está entramado por una vastísima Red de Túneles que conectan con decenas de Ciudades Intraterrenas, alguna de ellas habitadas por seres de un altísimo grado de conocimiento, que custodian y preservan la Evolución Planetaria.

Diferentes Culturas de todo el Planeta han legado importantes referencias, acerca de este profundo y revelador Misterio,

¿Existe un Continente dentro de la Tierra?

¿Hay otras Humanidades dentro de nuestro Planeta?

¿Habría bajo nuestros pies civilizaciones más avanzadas que la nuestra?

Trataré de relatarte rápidamente los acontecimientos que me fueron sucediendo. El día 26 de Septiembre de 2003 llegó a mi casa un sobre con un folleto de una expedición turística y científica invitando a la primer Expedición a la Apertura Polar Norte y al Continente Interno de la Tierra, que contará con un grupo de renombrados científicos y psíquicos internacionales quienes trataran de comprobar la Teoría de la Tierra Hueca (Hollow Earth).

CLIQUEAR EN LA IMAGEN para mayor información sobre la Expedición.

Contacté inmediatamente a Steve Currey, Organizador de la Expedición, le comenté del material relacionado que tenía, y tambien que disponía de unos mapas muy especiales sobre el tema. A la semana siguiente, de la manera mas increíble me llama desde E.E.U.U. que venia para Buenos Aires a encontrarse conmigo, que había visto todo mi trabajo en la web, y que lo consideraba de lo mejor sobre el tema en nuestro país. No lo podía creer, era lo mas maravilloso y lo mas fuerte que me habia pasado en toda mi vida. Finalmente, y luego de un sinfin de "SINCRONICIDADES" tengo que confesarte amigo mio, que lloré de alegría por una semana seguida.. Y todavía lo sigo haciendo, por el inmenso agradecimiento que siento al ver manifestado el mas grande de todos mis Sueños.


Solo puedo decirles que desde que recibí la invitación:

"Cada DIA de mi vida, es el DIA mas feliz de mi vida"

En esta carta encontrarás mas información...

Respetados Amigos:

En nombre mío personal y de todo el equipo de www.erks.org desde lo mas profundo de nuestra Alma y nuestro Corazón Sinceramente, "Infinitas Gracias... Steve Currey & Rodney Cluff, por dar esta enorme oportunidad al Género Humano".


Gracias también por estar ahí, educando en Valores, investigando y soñando con el Nuevo Mundo, con un Mundo Mejor, como yo lo he hecho durante toda mi vida.


Demás esta decirles lo importante e impactante que es para mi y nuestro equipo recibir semejante noticia, como algo que siempre soñábamos pero que solo estaba relegado a nuestra imaginación.


Ahora se que existe una concreta y real posibilidad de que nuestro sueño pueda ser una revolucionaria realidad.


Al grano. La cantidad de coincidencias significativas es abrumadora. Sin lugar a duda esta oportunidad, resonó en mi interior  como el cierre de todo un profundo proceso de Transformación, Expansión de la Conciencia y Servicio que venimos realizando desde hace ya mucho tiempo.


Me he entrenado en observar atentamente esas profundas intervenciones de la Inteligencia de la Naturaleza que ajusta nuestros Destinos claramente, produciendo Sincronicidad e Interconectividad en nuestras vidas para poder alinearnos aun más a un Orden Cósmico Mayor.


Siempre supe en mi corazón que debía realizar el viaje físico a nuestra Tierra Interna, pero que primero debía aprender a relacionarme y a conocer mi propio Mundo Interno y desde allí tomar conciencia que sin este requisito, ellos jamás nos dejarían acceder a su Mundo Interno de la Tierra en el Plano Físico.


Hace unos pocos días atrás, justo el día antes de recibir el sobre del Milagro, como me gusta llamarlo, escribí:


"El Llamado de la Tierra Interna" Parte lll:  www.erks.org/homellamado.htm


No me cabía la menor duda, durante 20 años de mi vida, me he dedicado a investigar apasionadamente las civilizaciones desaparecidas, y en especial todo lo referido a: Shambhala, Agharta y ERKS (Ciudad Intraterrena Argentina ubicada debajo del Cerro Uritorco en la provincia de Córdoba).


Quien escribe fue uno de los convocados que estuvo presente allí, cuando fui invitado por el Dr. Ángel Acouglanis descubridor de la Ciudad Intraterrena de ERKS, en donde comenzó lo que marcó mi vida para siempre, allá por 1986. Hace casi 7 años Dirijo paralelamente el desarrollo de estos sitios web.









Hace 7 años tuve casi un mes de Alta Sincronicidad en la cual me fue legado un material absolutamente ORIGINAL que data del año 1929 que es perteneciente al pintor y explorador Ruso Nicholas Roerich y Al Dr. Ricardo Rojas (prócer Argentino), que revela sucesos totalmente desconocidos para la sociedad que no daré a conocer hasta llegado el momento.


La evolución y transformación de mi vida continuo su proceso, hasta que nuevamente un flujo mas intenso todavía de coincidencias significativas se apoderó de mi nuevamente y me fue legado de una forma extremadamente extraña, hace 5 años, un juego de tres mapas totalmente diferentes entre si, del Interior de la Tierra Interna.


El fin de semana del 4 y 5 de Octubre de 2003 luego de una cantidad abrumadora de Sincronicidades, vino a visitarnos a la Argentina un ser Humano verdaderamente extraordinario, un serio y respetado profesional, nuestro amigo Steve Currey quien es el organizador de la Expedición a la Tierra Interna, con quien compartimos diversa información correspondiente.


Nuestra sorpresa fue conmocionante cuando descubrimos, que los mapas que estaban en mi poder completaban claramente los mapas que Steve tenia tornandose necesarios para poder acceder con menor riesgo dentro de nuestra Tierra Interna y realizar el viaje con total éxito.


Todo fue y va Sincronizando en forma vertiginosa e increible sin duda podría decirles que ya se acerca el Tiempo, de completar la Masa Critica necesaria para que pueda introducirse en la Humanidad el nuevo paradigma que esta 1er Expedición al Mundo Interno de la Tierra pueda revelar a nuestro regreso.


¿Puede imaginar amigo lector, lo que puede suceder en la humanidad toda a nuestro regreso, de ser permitido nuestro acceso al Mundo Interno de la Tierra Físicamente?.


Un sueño de hace 20 años ha comenzado a hacerse una verdadera realidad, la aventura recién comienza...


Respetados Amigos solo puedo decirles que, desde que recibí esta invitación:

"Cada DIA de mi vida, es el DIA mas feliz de mi vida"


Y por supuesto también Infinitas Gracias señor lector por estar ahí desde siempre acompañando nuestro trabajo y nuestros sueños mas preciados.

Intentaré en lo posible ir relatando los sucesos paso a paso no deje de chequear nuestras actualizaciones en esta web y nuestras actividades a realizar próximamente.


Hermanados en el Arcano Conocimiento

Prof. Marcelo Martorelli (Eshael)


Buenos Aires

Capital - Argentina



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